Clerks of Session should have received a letter outlining year-end information in December. The letter included information on covenant renewal for Temporary Supply Pastors, Commissioned Pastors, and Lay Supply Pastors, including annual reports for Commissioned Pastors. All covenant renewals are due tomorrow, Friday, January 15, 2021. Clerks of Session can also find on the website the updated forms for Pastor’s Compensation and the Necrology Report; both are due January 29, 2021.

The letter also has information about completing the Statistical Report. Click here for the link to the Presbyterian Church (USA) website that includes Frequently Asked Questions and has access to the online reporting system. The deadline for completing the report is February 18, 2021.

The Presbytery Office cannot change membership numbers; rather, church membership numbers are based on the successful completion of this report. Churches are responsible for completing the annual statistical report. The membership numbers reported to the General Assembly are the basis for each church’s Per Capita Assessment; the membership numbers reported for 2018 are the basis for the 2020 Per Capita Assessment. If you need information about user ID and password or need help with the report, contact Maureen Wright at

Due to COVID-19, Session record review events will take place in the late summer or early fall.