Clerks of Session are annually invited to participate in one of the Session Record Reviews in order to fulfill the Book of Order requirement as outlined in G-3.0108a. The review sessions are a time to meet other Clerks of Session and share best practices, ideas, and questions as well as enjoy fellowship. Stated Clerk Maureen Wright is available to answer questions and work with Clerks to best serve their church. The late summer events offer both in-person opportunities and online opportunities on Zoom; with the exception of September 8, all begin at 3 p.m.

  • August 7 – Elk Hills Presbyterian Church, Charleston
  • August 14 – Frankford Presbyterian Church
  • August 21 –Fleming Memorial Presbyterian Church, Fairmont
  • August 28 – Milton Presbyterian Church
  • September 8 – Zoom at 7 p.m.
  • September 11 – Zoom

Those who attend one of the in-person events should complete the checklist on the website for in-person events. The Stated Clerk will sign the minutes attesting to the 2021 review.

Clerks of Session attending the Zoom event will need to invite another member of the session or ruling elder to review the 2021 minutes and prepare the checklist for electronic events. This form allows the Clerk of Session to complete the checklist section; the reviewer completes the report section and signs. This should be completed prior to attending the Zoom event. Please email or mail the Stated Clerk, Maureen Wright, an electronic copy of the completed form ( or Presbytery Office, 520 Second Avenue, South Charleston, WV, 25303. Once the form is received, and the Clerk of Session attends the review event, a letter will be sent stating that the records for 2021 have been reviewed. The letter should be included in the minutes for 2022.