Ruling Elder Training for Presiding at the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Why: One of the responsibilities of all councils of the church – session, presbytery, synod and General Assembly – is to “provide that the Sacraments may be rightly administered and received.” (G 3-3.0101) The presbytery has a responsibility for “authorizing and training specific ruling elders to administer or preside at the Lord’s Supper when it deems it necessary to meet the needs for the administration of the Sacrament.”(G-3.0301b) As the presbytery seeks to fulfill this responsibility, there will be two training events on October 10, 2021.

Who: All sessions, particularly those whose churches do not have pastoral leadership, are invited to recommend and send 2-3 ruling elders (they do not have to be on the session currently) in good standing to one of these events. Participants should be prepared for the entire event. Names of ruling elders must be submitted to the Stated Clerk of the presbytery in advance of the training.

Where and When: Training/Preparation Events, led by minister of Word and Sacrament members of the presbytery following a common plan, will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. October 10, 2021 at Beckley Presbyterian Church and Bridgeport Presbyterian Church.
The registration deadline for both sites is Monday, October 4.

Clerks of Session can register their participants below, or give their information to Stated Clerk Maureen Wright at or 304-744-7634. Maureen is also the person to speak to if you have questions or need more information.

Click here for a flyer with all of this information and a way to register through the mail.