Are there youth in your congregation, currently in grades 8-11, who are leaders, or potential leaders, and who might be interested in connecting with other high school youth across the presbytery by serving on the Presbytery of West Virginia’s Youth Council? Are there adults who enjoy working with youth to serve in partnership with youth? The Nurture Committee is hoping you will encourage them to consider applying to do so. Please share the information below and this flyer with youth, parents of youth, adults who work with youth, and adults who might be interested.
The Youth Council is composed of up to 14 youth and 8 adults, representing different areas of the presbytery and as many churches as possible. Youths’ terms of service are until they graduate high school; adults’ terms of service are for three years, with the possibility of a second 3-year term.
Youth Council usually meets twice a year in person, with other meetings on Zoom. They plan and provide leadership for two youth retreats each year, one in the spring and one in the fall.
There are several parts to the application. First is the application form, which all youth and adults who wish to apply need to fill out. Second is the Session Nomination form, which must be completed for every applicant. Third, youth applying need a Parental Support form completed by their parent or legal guardian. And fourth, adults applying need to submit Volunteer Information and Background Check Consent forms in keeping with our Child Protection Policy.
All forms must be completed in their entirety and mailed to: Presbytery of West Virginia, c/o Susan Sharp Campbell, 683 Dwyer Lane, Lewisburg, WV 24901. They should be sent no later than April 30.
If you, your youth, or their parents/guardians have any questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at or 304-667-9428.
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