9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20 at Village Chapel Presbyterian Church, Charleston, and on Zoom (if requested)

As the Leadership Development Coordinating Team of the Nurture Committee considered what might be timely topics for “Expanding Your Ministry Toolbox” courses, members realized that one of the realities we are facing in our churches, our communities, and our state is relating with others with whom we don’t agree. In a time of heightened partisanship and pronounced divisions, it is harder than ever to maintain the unity of our communities. After more than 3 years of Covid distancing us and elections dividing us, the pandemic and politics have taken their toll on our wellbeing.

Starting with “Seeking to Be Faithful Together: Guidelines for Presbyterians During Times of Disagreement,” published by the PCUSA Peacemaking Program several years ago, but still relevant today, this event will explore best practices, theological and biblical guidelines, new models, and creative strategies to not only hold the church together but also to strengthen the ties that bind us together in these disruptive and disagreeable times. It will be led by Carl Horton, the coordinator for the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and Interim Coordinator for the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP).

You may register online below and pay with a credit card, or download this form and send it, with a check, to Presbytery of WV, P.O. Box 11720, Charleston, WV 25339. The cost is $40. The registration deadline is Thursday, April 13. If you wish to participate by Zoom, please email susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com with that information or mark it on the registration form.