Monday, Feb. 17-Tuesday, Feb. 18 (from lunchtime to lunchtime) at St. John XXIII Pastoral Center in Charleston. For educators, clergy, Commissioned Pastors and Authorized Lay Preachers.
The psalms are read and sung in our churches. This retreat will introduce the various types of Psalms — laments, praise hymns, thanksgiving, wisdom — and consider their theological resonances with today’s world. How might we preach and teach ancient Israel’s hymnbook to speak to our current lives today? Join us as we pray, study, and sing the psalms of our faith.
Retreat leader is Tyler Mayfield. Tyler is a biblical scholar, teacher, and administrator at Louisville Seminary, where he teaches courses in biblical theology, ethical readings of Scripture, and prophetic literature. He leads a triennial travel seminar to Israel and Palestine to explore the ancient biblical sites as well as contemporary Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. As the Director of the Grawemeyer Award in Religion, he coordinates a three committee, year-long selection process to award a $100,000 prize for the best new idea in religion. He is the author of five books including a Lenten study of the book of Exodus.
The overnight rate is $120 per person, with a reduced rate of $90 for a second person from the same church. The commuter rate, which includes all meals, is $90. (Note: If you are commuting, you should plan to be present 1-4 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m.-noon Tuesday.) Register by Friday, Feb. 7. To register and pay online, please use the form below. If you prefer to pay by check, please complete this form and snail mail it with your payment to Presbytery of WV ECCA Retreat, c/o Susan Sharp Campbell, 683 Dwyer Ln., Lewisburg, WV 24901.
If you have questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-667-9428 or