The General Assembly will meet June 20-27, 2020 in Baltimore, Maryland. Therefore, the Nominating Committee is now accepting applications for Minister of Word and Sacrament and Ruling Elder Commissioners, as well as applications for Young Adult Advisory Delegates (YAADs).
Applications will be accepted through September 23, 2019. The Nominating Committee will be guided in its work by the leading of the Holy Spirit and the appropriate provisions of the Book of Order, particularly F-1.03, F-1.04 and G-3.0302a.
Applicants should demonstrate activity in the life of the Church, especially within their congregation and the Presbytery of West Virginia. Commissioners need to have the ability to interpret and communicate the actions of the GA back to the Presbytery and should be prepared to give a brief report at the August 2020 meeting of presbytery and at other events around the presbytery, as requested. Ruling Elder Commissioners and Young Adult Advisory Delegates must be endorsed by their Session.
If you have questions or need more information on serving as a commissioner, please contact General Presbyter Ed Thompson or Stated Clerk Maureen Wright at the Presbytery office.