So much of the work of Presbytery is done through people serving on its committees and in other capacities. They are contributing in a significant way to the witness of the Church of Jesus Christ through their direct work on behalf of the Presbytery of West Virginia. We thank them for their willingness to give of themselves in this important way to the work our Presbytery does in mission and ministry to the wider governing bodies – the Synod of The Trinity and the General Assembly.

For information concerning committee dates, places and times, click on the calendar.

Leadership Team

  • Chair: Andy Rice (
  • Purpose: To provide leadership to the Presbytery of WV by discerning a vision from core values, actualizing that vision through committees and staff, and revising the vision regularly in light of change
  • Membership: 12 members – 3 classes of 4 members each, including Ministers of the Word & Sacrament and Ruling Elders, with three members being the moderator, moderator-elect and Leadership Team chair (the immediate past moderator)

Administration Committee

  • Chair: Jim Musgrave (
  • Purpose: To provide staff for the Presbytery in accordance with the mission of the Presbytery and to ensure they have adequate compensation, supplies, and support to carry out their work
  • Membership: 6 members – 3 classes of 2 members each, including both Ministers of Word & Sacrament and Ruling Elders

Bluestone Committee

  • Chair: David Kaufman (
  • Purpose: To provide for promotion, programming, and facilities that support the life, mission, and ministry of the Bluestone Conference Center as a vibrant center for Christian discipleship
  • Membership: 6 members – 3 classes of 2 members each, including Ministers of Word & Sacrament, Ruling Elders and laity

Committee on Ministry

  • Chair: George Lilley (
  • Purpose: To provide that the Word of God may be truly preached and heard; to provide that the Sacraments may be rightly administered and received; to nurture the covenant community of Disciples of Christ (G-3.0301)
  • Membership: 21 members – 3 classes of 7 members each, including Ministers of the Word & Sacrament and Ruling Elders

Committee on Representation

  • Chair: Doug Jenkins (
  • Purpose: To advise the Presbytery regarding the implementation of principles of unity and diversity; to advocate for diversity in leadership and to consult with the Presbytery on the employment of personnel in accordance with principles of unity and diversity (F-1.0403)
  • Membership: 6 members – 3 classes of 2 members each, including Ministers of Word & Sacrament, Ruling Elders and laity

Mission Committee

  • Chair: Sharon Bell (
  • Purpose: To enact the Word of God and promote social righteousness through the promotion, creation, interpretation, funding, and evaluation of mission activities by the Presbytery and its congregations
  • Membership: 6 members – 3 classes of 2 members each, including Ministers of Word & Sacrament, Ruling Elders and laity
  • Click here for more on the Mission Committee, including available grants and mission opportunities

Nurture Committee

  • Chair: Ginna Taylor (
  • Purpose: To provide encouragement, guidance, and resources to congregations in the areas of: spiritual formation, discipleship, and leadership development
  • Membership: 9 members – 3 classes of 3 members each, including Ministers of Word & Sacrament, Ruling Elders and laity

Permanent Judicial Commission

  • Moderator: Gary McGrew (
  • Purpose: In judicial matters and process, the Presbytery has original jurisdiction in judicial matters concerning Ministers of Word & Sacrament and Commissioned Lay Pastor-Ruling Elders serving the congregations of the Presbytery. The PJC is to carry out these responsibilities for the PWV.
  • Membership: 9 members – the Presbytery shall elect a permanent judicial commission with as equal representation of Ministers of Word & Sacrament and Ruling Elders as possible, with no more than one member from any one church. The term of office will be 6 years, consisting of 3 staggered classes of 3 people each.

Relations Committee

  • Chair: Margaret Bolt (
  • Purpose: To foster good communication and ever-deepening relationships throughout the Presbytery
  • Membership: 6 members – 3 classes of 2 members each, including Ministers of Word & Sacrament, Ruling Elders and laity

Stewardship Committee

  • Chair: Mark Boyd (
  • Purpose: To model, teach, and encourage good stewardship throughout the Presbytery so the mission and ministry of God may thrive in our hands
  • Membership: 6 members – 3 classes of 2 members each, including Ministers of Word & Sacrament, Ruling Elders and laity


  • Chair: Jim Rowe (
  • Purpose: To manage the property of the Presbytery on its behalf in order to further the mission and ministry God has entrusted into our hands
  • Membership: 6 members – 3 classes of 2 members each. Ordinarily, at least 1 member shall be a practicing attorney, and 1 member a licensed real estate agent or broker.

Vocation Committee

  • Chair: Todd Wright (
  • Purpose: To enter into a covenant relationship with those exploring a call to church vocation and to provide oversight to Authorized Lay Preacher (ALP)/Commissioned Pastor (CP) programs in the Presbytery of WV
  • Membership: 6 members – 3 classes of 2 members each, including Ministers of the Word & Sacrament and Ruling Elders, plus the Associate for Education
  • Processes & Procedures
  • ALP/CP Information