Welcome to PWV NEWS

The PWV News newsletter is designed to better communicate and connect the churches, pastoral leaders and people in the Presbytery of West Virginia. We invite pastoral leaders to forward these newsletters to members of your congregation, so they may sign up to receive this communication twice a month if interested. If you have a special church anniversary or news of a significant nature that you would like to share with the entire presbytery or an event that would interest specific clusters, we invite you to email those special occasions to our Office Administrator at office@wvpresbytery.org. Newsletters are sent the 2nd and 4th Thursdays  of each month. If you have articles you wish to be included, please get them to the Office Administrator by the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Our goal is to connect, inform and enrich the relationships within the Presbytery of West Virginia.

Make sure you sign up to receive the newsletter and any other communications presented by the Presbytery of WV

Recent Newsletter

PWV News, Issue 279

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