On the front page of the presbytery’s website, you’ll find a button directing you to information about, as well as the application forms for, the New Life Congregational Grants being offered by the Presbytery of West Virginia. There are two tiers of grants: Tier 1 are Covenant Grants for up to $2,000, and Tier 2 are Innovation Grants for up to $10,000. The funds for these grants come from the sale of church properties that have closed or are no longer part of the presbytery.

Tier 1 Covenant Grants are available to any Presbytery of West Virginia congregation who completes a simple application explaining how the funds provided will be used to support the presbytery’s core values (ministry, mission, and relationship) in their particular congregation. Session approval and final report required.

Tier 2 Innovation Grants will be awarded to congregations for larger projects. These grants will require completion of a more extensive application (including detailed plans, goals, budget, timeline, and anticipated outcomes) and should also reflect the core values of the presbytery (ministry, mission, and relationship) and the congregation. Session approval and detailed final report required.

If you’ve wanted to start a new outreach program, need better equipment so you can enhance your church’s online worship services, or you have some dream about what you church could be doing if you only had some funding, the New Life Congregational Grants can help you make that happen. While it’s important to paint your building or fix your church’s roof, this is not what these grants are for. We want to support and encourage our congregations to do vital ministry.

The deadline for the first round of grant applications is JULY 1.  

We don’t anticipate giving away all our funds at this time, so we’ll also be receiving applications until October 1 for additional grants. If we still have funds available, we will be receiving applications for another round of grants until January 1, 2021.

Please be praying about your church might use these funds to strengthen your ministry, your mission, and your relationship with your community and within your congregation.