To assist pastors and moderators with the period of study and preparation the Book of Order describes in G-2.0402 for newly elected Ruling Elders and Deacons, Susan Sharp Campbell, Associate for Educational Ministry, will be offering a two-part Officer Preparation Course on Sundays, Nov. 12 and 19, from 2-5 p.m. on Zoom. These two sessions will build on and connect with each other, so participants are expected to participate in both.

While this is designed primarily for newly elected elders and deacons, others are also welcome. While some of the content may overlap, this will be a new plan from previous years. The registration deadline is Thursday, Nov. 2.

Each participant will need a copy of the 2023-2025 PCUSA Book of Order that they can access as we meet. Purchase one at the PCUSA Store. A PDF version can be downloaded here:

Advance assignments will be sent on Nov. 3. Handouts to be used during the sessions and the Zoom link will be shared on Wednesday, Nov. 8. Participants may register as individuals, or whole sessions may register and participate together.         

To register, complete this form or email the information requested to If you have any questions, please contact Susan at the email above or 304-667-9428.