2023 Shared Mission Pledge Request

Many of our churches have already made a Shared Mission pledge for 2023. I urge you to check with your minister and/or Clerk of Session to see that your church has returned a pledge card to this office and, if not, to please do so at the earliest convenience. We encourage each Session to thoughtfully consider our request. The information provided when a church returns their pledge card, no matter the response, is essential to our effective management of the presbytery’s financial resources. So, we urge treasurers, Clerks of Session, and pastoral leaders to make sure that their church has returned their pledge card to us. If you have any questions about shared mission pledge, Per Capita, or other benevolences, please let us know (304-744-7634, treasurer@wvpresbytery.org).

Sending Benevolence to the Presbytery

We encourage you to fill out a Benevolence Remittance form when sending any sort of benevolence check to the Presbytery. This will help ensure your church’s benevolence gets correctly recorded and correctly shared with our ministry partners. These forms are available on the Documents page of the Presbytery’s website or contact us, and we are happy to mail or email some to you.

Please note, the presbytery has a new mailing address:

Presbytery of West Virginia
PO Box 11720
Charleston, WV 25339

Please use this address to mail your benevolence and any other correspondence to me or other PWV staff.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in Turkey

Amid news of a devastating earthquake in Syria and Turkey, the Presbyterian Mission Agency has reached out to offer assistance to partners in the area, where thousands have died, and is asking Presbyterians to pray for those impacted by the quake and its aftershocks. Through a coordinated response by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and World Mission, Presbyterian Mission Agency has contacted multiple long-term partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) including the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon; the Middle East Council of Churches; the Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue; and the Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches.

If your church would like to offer financial support to PDA’s work in Turkey, you can send your donations to us and note on the Benevolence Remittance form Disaster Relief–International Disasters & Emergencies (#DR999999).

2023 IRS Standard Mileage

On December 29, 2022, the IRS announced the following changes to the standard mileage rates. As of January 1, 2023, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups, or panel trucks) will be:

  • 65.5 cents per mile for business miles driven, up 3 cents from 2022
  • 22 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, up from 18 cents for 2022
  • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations

2023 Per Capita

The 2023 Per Capita rate will be $30.30 per member, according to the church’s membership in the most recently filed statistical report. The 2023 Per Capita was approved at the August 2022 presbytery meeting. With the total rate at $30.30 per member, the Presbytery of West Virginia will keep $18.05 and sending $9.85 and $2.40 to the General Assembly and Synod of the Trinity, respectively.

Helping us understand the importance of Per Capita to our connectional church is this excellent article from Presbyterians Today, titled (coincidentally enough) “Understanding Per Capita.”

2023 Special Offerings Calendar

Here is this year’s calendar for the four churchwide Special Offerings of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


Gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing share God’s love with people experiencing need. Gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe refuge, start new lives, and work together to strengthen their families and communities. The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 36 percent of undesignated gifts, while Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance each receives 32 percent.

PENTECOST: April 10 to May 28

PEACE & GLOBAL WITNESS: Sept. 3 to Oct. 1

CHRISTMAS JOY: Dec. 3 to Dec. 24

NOTE: Donations to the four Special Offerings are accepted at any time. The dates above are for times of special emphasis on the offerings. Click here for more information or to order resources, or call the PC(USA) Store at 800-533-4371.