Employment Guidance for Sessions and Session Personnel Committees

From the most recent Mid Council Relations newsletter:

Have the sessions in your presbytery looked recently at their personnel processes and policies? You might want to share with them this guide, which explores topics such as hiring and oversight of staff, roles of various individuals and groups in the process, and compliance with civil law, with reflections on Presbyterian theological perspective and our commitment to equity and inclusion. It is designed for congregations of all sizes.

Note that the resource includes a link to a feedback form through which users can submit comments and suggest improvements. We will value the questions and observations of users as we seek to keep this document current and helpful.

2022 IRS Standard Mileage

On December 17, 2021, the IRS announced the following changes to the standard mileage rates. As of January 1, 2022, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups, or panel trucks) is:

  • 58.5 cents per mile for business miles driven, up from 56 cents for 2021
  • 18 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, up from 16 cents for 2021
  • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations

2022 Per Capita

The 2022 Per Capita rate is $30.05 per member, according to the church’s membership in the most recently file statistical report. The 2022 Per Capita was approved at the August 2021 presbytery meeting. With the total rate at $30.05 per member, the Presbytery of West Virginia will keep $18.67, sending $8.98 and $2.40 to the General Assembly and Synod of the Trinity, respectively.

Helping us understand the importance of Per Capita to our connectional church is this excellent article, titled (coincidentally enough) “Understanding Per Capita,” in a recent issue of Presbyterians Today.

2022 Shared Mission Pledge Request

Please return your church’s 2022 Shared Mission pledge card to this office at your earliest convenience. We encourage each Session to thoughtfully consider our request. The information provided when a church returns their pledge card, no matter the response, is essential to our effective management of the presbytery’s financial resources. So, we urge treasurers, Clerks of Session, and pastoral leaders to make sure that their church has returned their pledge card to this office.

If you have any questions about mission pledge, Per Capita, or other benevolences, please let me know (304-744-7634, treasurer@wvpresbytery.org).

2022 Benevolence Remittance Forms

2022 Benevolence Remittance forms are now available on the Presbytery’s website. The forms are on the Documents page, in the Financial Documents section. We’ve also linked a sample here.

News from the Board of Pensions

1. The BOP has released information for the 2022 Assistance Program, which has resources available for ministers, lay members, and retirees. Click here for more information on the program.

2. Beginning April 1, the BOP will provide a new service to Medical Plan participants, partnering with Quantum Health to provide care coordinators who will help identify healthcare needs, resolve issues, and provide personalized support. This new feature will be available to members and their families with PPO, EPO, or HDHP coverage. Read more here.

3. Employees enrolled in the Medical Plan did not receive new medical or prescription drug ID cards in December unless they newly elected coverage, changed options, or added eligible family members effective January 1. Otherwise, they should keep using their current cards. Note: all members enrolled in GeoBlue should have received two new cards for 2022: a Bupa card to use outside the country and a GeoBlue card to use when in the United States.

2022 Special Offerings Calendar

Here is this year’s calendar for the four churchwide Special Offerings of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING: March 2 to April 17

PENTECOST: April 18 to June 5

PEACE & GLOBAL WITNESS: Sept. 4 to Oct. 2

CHRISTMAS JOY: Nov. 27 to Dec. 18

NOTE: Donations to these offerings are accepted at any time. The dates above are for times of special emphasis on the offerings. Click here for more information or to order resources, or call the PC(USA) Store at 800-533-4371.