By Barbara Chalfant, PWV Associate for Mission

While in conversation with a middle school counselor and a school nurse who serve two schools, the topic of school supply scarcity came up. Both admitted to spending a great deal of money – more than $500 a month! – on supplies they need in order to take care of the students in their care.

So I requested they send me a list of those items, and I promised to send them on to you.  You can donate supplies to the Presbytery office or have a conversation with the counselors and nurses at your local school.

I was surprised the school did not provide most of these things. For instance, the nurse was not provided anything by the school to sanitize surfaces between sick children! We can support them in their gracious and loving work with our kids by helping them provide supplies.

Counselor List:

Clorox wipes

Deodorant (male or female)


Underwear (girls)


Hand soap

Hand sanitizer

Nurse List:

Feminine hygiene products

Clorox wipes

Underwear (boys and girls)





Hand soap

Hand sanitizer