Spencer Presbyterian invites everyone to the dedication of the church’s solar panels at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 28.  Mary Quick and Robin Blakeman will co-lead the dedication. The short ceremony will be followed by an informational session on solar energy for your home, church or business by Leah Cunningham of Solar Holler; it will run for 45 minutes at 7 p.m., with refreshments to follow. 

The Spencer Presbyterian Solar Energy System (89 panels and 28.48 KW) will go online soon, once the system has been inspected and approved by the power company. The project was made possible financially by a 2.5% loan of $43,000 from the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, a grant of $10,000 from PC(USA), and by using $6,000 of church funds.  Contact Brenda Wilson at brendaterminiwilson@gmail.com for more information.