10 AM to 5 PM  Sunday, April 27 at Coonskin Park in Charleston

What qualities do you look for in a friend? What makes a friendship last? Why do we need friends? Join us as we explore stories from scripture and pop culture and reflect on what it means to be a friend. This retreat for youth in grades 6-12 and their adult advisors will be led by youth and adult members of the presbytery’s Youth Council.

Below, you will find registration information. Box lunches will be provided, and lunch orders should be turned in with registration. The cost per person, for both youth and adults, is $20. Registration can be done online with a credit card or by mailing the registration form, lunch order form, and payment to Presbytery of West Virginia, c/o Susan Sharp Campbell, 683 Dwyer Lane, Lewisburg, WV 24901. Registration must be received by the end of the day, Monday, April 14.

Questions? Contact PWV Associate for Educational Ministry Susan Sharp Campbell at susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com or 304-667-9428.