The Presbytery of West Virginia’s Youth Council is an integral part of our ministry with youth. Now is the time of year to consider whether there are youth in your congregation who would make good members of the council and who might benefit from connecting with other high school youth across the presbytery (particularly if there aren’t many/any other youth in your congregation). The Nurture Committee needs your help in identifying and encouraging youth to consider applying to become members of the Youth Council.
The Youth Council is composed of up to 14 youth and 8 adults, representing the different areas of our presbytery and as many churches as possible. Youth must be in grade 10, 11, or 12 in the fall of 2022, and, if selected, serve until they graduate from high school. Adults serve a three-year term, with the possibility of a second term. In light of a large number of vacancies on the council, sessions are invited to nominate up to two youth and/or one adult to serve, realizing that we are committed to involving people from as many churches as possible. Click here for more information on the council.
Those wishing to serve on Youth Council need to complete an application and must be nominated by the session of the church where they are active participants. The expectation is that the people who are selected by the Nurture Committee to serve on the youth council will make their involvement a priority in their lives. The time commitment is usually for the two youth retreats during the school year, a leadership development/planning retreat in the summer, and a planning meeting in January.
In addition to the application and session nomination forms above, youth applicants will also need a signed parental support form, and adults will need a youth endorsement letter and completed Volunteer Information & Background Check Consent forms. Completed applications (including additional forms) are due in the Presbytery Office no later than Thursday, March 31, 2022.
Again, please consider youth and adults in your congregation who you might encourage to apply. In the past, some of our youth in smaller churches have found this becomes a meaningful group for them to connect with when their church doesn’t have many youth. You can share this flyer in a place at your church where your youth spend time.